From the Finnish Kennel Club’s Puppy List service, you can information on litters announced by breeders, breed by breed. Information on puppies has been saved to the service by breeders themselves and they are responsible for that the information provided is correct. The Finnish Kennel Club does not act as a dealer of litters and is not responsible for the information provided in the list. Through the Puppy List, you can also find information in Finnish on what kind of requirements there are for registration of different breeds to the Finnish Kennel Club’s Dog Register (FI Register) and what kind of health results are required of the parents of the puppies that are registered. It is worthwhile for you to familiarize yourself with the breed in good time before getting a puppy. You can get more information from breeders and breed clubs as well as the Finnish Kennel Club’s website available in Finnish. A responsible breeder always makes a written sales agreement with the puppy buyer. The puppy’s registration certificate and written care instructions are included in the purchase. For more information, please visit our website.

Litters Males Females
FCI 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs
Australian Shepherd 2 3 3
Belgian Shepherd Dog, Malinois 1 2 2
Belgian Shepherd Dog, Tervueren 1 - 1
Border Collie 1 1 -
Collie Rough 2 4 2
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog 1 3 5
Dutch Shepherd Dog, Rough-Haired 1 2 -
German Shepherd Dog 3 2 3
German Shepherd Dog, long and harsh outer coat 2 - 2
Lancashire Heeler 1 1 1
Maremma and the Abruzzes Sheepdog 1 - 6
Mudi 1 1 -
Pyrenean Sheepdog, Smooth-faced 1 1 1
Saarloos Wolfhond 2 4 6
Shetland Sheepdog 9 14 10
Small Medimurje Dog - Medi 1 - 1
Welsh Corgi Cardigan 8 10 19
Welsh Corgi Pembroke 2 3 1
White Swiss Shepherd Dog 1 1 1
FCI 2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer type, Molossians
Bernese Mountain Dog 1 - 1
Boxer 1 1 1
Estrela Mountain Dog, Long-haired 1 6 1
German Pinscher 2 6 1
Great Dane, black and harlequin 1 1 -
Hovawart 2 5 7
Italian Cane Corso 1 1 3
Landseer (European Continental Type) 1 1 -
Miniature Pinscher 3 5 3
Miniature Schnauzer, black 1 4 2
Miniature Schnauzer, pepper and salt 1 - 1
Miniature Schnauzer, white 1 4 5
Pyrenean Mountain Dog 1 - 3
Rottweiler 1 - 3
FCI 3 - Terriers
American Hairless Terrier 1 1 1
American Staffordshire Terrier 2 2 6
Australian Silky Terrier 2 6 1
Australian Terrier 2 6 5
Bedlington Terrier 1 - 2
Biewer Terrier 1 1 1
Border Terrier 1 2 -
Brazilian Terrier 4 10 3
Cairn Terrier 2 2 1
Fox Terrier, Smooth-haired 1 1 2
Jack Russell Terrier 8 20 8
Manchester Terrier 1 3 1
Parson Russell Terrier 2 1 6
Skye Terrier 1 1 -
Staffordshire Bull Terrier 1 1 3
Tenterfield Terrier 1 - 1
Yorkshire Terrier 7 5 15
FCI 4 - Dachshunds
Miniature Dachshund, Smooth-haired 1 1 -
Miniature Dachshund, Wire-haired 2 2 3
Standard Dachshund, Long-haired 2 2 -
Standard Dachshund, Smooth-haired 3 4 5
Standard Dachshund, Wire-haired 7 13 5
FCI 5 - Spitz and primitive types
Akita 1 1 -
Chow Chow 1 1 -
East Siberian Laika 1 3 1
Finnish Lapponian Dog 2 5 5
Finnish Spitz 1 1 1
Karelian Bear Dog 1 - 1
Keeshond (Wolfspitz) 3 8 7
Lapponian Herder 2 1 2
Medium Size Spitz (Mittelspitz), black and brown 3 4 2
Medium Size Spitz (Mittelspitz), other colors 3 2 7
Medium Size Spitz (Mittelspitz), white 2 4 6
Miniature Spitz (Kleinspitz), black and brown 4 8 2
Miniature Spitz (Kleinspitz), other colours 11 12 12
Norrbottenspitz 1 2 2
Norwegian Elkhound Grey 1 2 1
Pomeranian 6 5 4
Shiba 2 3 1
Siberian Husky 1 1 1
Swedish Elkhound 1 4 4
Yakutian Laika 2 2 3
FCI 6 - Scenthounds and related breeds
Basset Hound 1 1 1
Beagle 3 1 5
Dalmatian 1 6 1
Drever 1 2 1
Porcelaine 1 5 4
FCI 7 - Pointing Dogs
Irish Red and White Setter 1 1 6
Irish Red Setter 1 9 5
FCI 8 - Retrievers, Water Dogs and Flushing Dogs
American Cocker Spaniel 3 9 3
Cocker Spaniel 2 4 4
English Springer Spaniel 3 10 9
Golden Retriever 1 2 -
Labrador Retriever 11 22 16
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 1 1 1
Portuguese Water Dog 2 3 1
Spanish Water Dog 2 2 6
Welsh Springer Spaniel 3 12 3
FCI 9 - Companion and Toy Dogs
Bichon Frise 5 12 10
Bolognese 1 2 3
Boston Terrier 1 - 1
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 6 5 4
Chihuahua Long-haired 3 3 3
Chihuahua Smooth-haired 5 4 2
Chinese Crested Dog 7 15 6
Coton de Tulear 4 5 4
French Bulldog 2 5 4
Little Lion Dog 1 2 -
Medium Size Poodle, black, brown, and white 4 9 5
Medium Size Poodle, grey, apricot, and red 1 1 -
Miniature Poodle, black, brown, and white 7 10 5
Miniature Poodle, grey, apricot, and red 2 3 1
Miniature Poodle, other colours 1 2 -
Papillon 1 1 -
Petit Brabançon 1 - 1
Pug 2 3 1
Russian Toy Long-haired 2 2 2
Russian Toy Smooth-haired 1 2 -
Russkaja Tsvetnaja Bolonka 5 4 4
Standard Poodle, black, brown, and white 1 - 1
Standard Poodle, grey, apricot, and red 1 1 1
Tibetan Spaniel 5 8 8
Tibetan Terrier 1 1 1
Toy Poodle, black, brown, and white 2 2 1
Toy Poodle, grey, apricot, and red 1 - 3
FCI 10 - Sighthounds
Afghan Hound 1 1 -
Irish Wolfhound 2 5 3
Italian Greyhound 1 3 -
Whippet 4 9 12
Total 279 827